FEA Training Courses
Training Courses
I have given successful training courses on many aspects of finite element and CFD technology, using a range of software products. These have included Abaqus, Solidworks Simulation, FEMAP, NX Nastran, and others. I’ve also written a number of tutorials on LS/Dyna. Courses have been based on existing training material, or focused on specific problems or technologies, with training materials written to record methodologies and workflows. Considerable emphasis is placed on achieving realistic learning outcomes, with the maximum possible understanding of the underlying technologies.
Contact me if you would like me to propose any form of training package.
Finite Element Basics
Establishing a basic understanding of the fundamentals of FEA is essential for anyone undertaking any form of design or validation study. And many existing courses don’t spend enough time on the fundamentals of the technology. Time spent working on this is rarely wasted.
My basic training material not only covers the basics of finite elements, but also the relationship of FEA with the real world, and how models and results can be contextualised and viewed in the right way.
Model Creation and Simulation Workflows
However you learn an FEA package, model development and workflow creation are critical skills. So when I deliver training it’s always in the context of model development, contribution to the overall engineering process and critically validation.
More of the skill sets in this area are package agnostic than many people would like to believe. So basic training material can be adapted to a wide range of commercial packages. The critical aspect is developing understanding of the process, and how problems are defined and optimised for solution.
Solver types and Options
Creative simulation strategies rely on exploiting the “sweet spots” of different solvers and their capabilities. I have prepared training material for organisations as diverse as NAFEMS and CAE Resellers, on explicit solutions and specialist aspects such as SPH and CEL. I have also delivered courses on linear, non-linear, dynamic and forced dynamics analyses.
Obviously in training engagements where specific solver types and options are of interest, training material and tutorials are written and focused on particular areas and technologies.
Material Models
Calibrating and understanding material models is essential to any viable simulation strategy.
I have a range of ready prepared course notes on material modelling, ranging from simple linear cases to calibrating hyper-elastic models and composites. These can be delivered as part of a course package, or bespoke training material can be written around
Project Focussed Training Packages
Generally available training material and courses often tend to be light on critical information and process detail for specific industrial applications and therefore specially created material can be the fast track to exploiting simulation in a company. I have undertaken numerous assignments which covered methods development and training course delivery.
Introduction to Explicit Finite Element Analysis (for Nafems)
I have created and delivered an online course on the basics of explicit solvers for NAFEMS. This is available to NAFEMS members, via their website. The graphic below gives you an indication of what’s in the course.